Yawrap Documentation

Yawrap is a powerful, lightweight pseudo-static HTML builder working in python2.7, python3.4 and python.3.5.

The name comes from something like Yet Another Wrapper (of HTML tags) and has its coincidence to yattag package.

resource link
Repo: https://bitbucket.org/gandowin/yarap
Docs: http://yawrap.readthedocs.io
Pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/yawrap
email: Michał Kaczmarczyk
Documentation Status

yattag’s heritage

Yawrap’s core is yattag . It’s a ultra-lightweight library written by Benjamin Le Forestier. Yattags’s main functionality is care of proper opening and closing HTML (actually XML) tags. However if you use yattag you probably noticed that in order to create a nice HTML page, you have to write a lot of code that is not exactly the content of your page and each time you have to care for the same aspects of the page - such as proper html head/body structure, links, navigation ect… Yawrap extends yattag’s functionality (and adds some more).


Yawrap classes are derived from Yattag’s Doc() class. So you can use e.g. its tag, line, text, methods in the same way. Yattag is well documented and its strongly recommend to read its awesome quick reference.

Yawrap features

Here is a list of things that yawrap offers:

  • CSS & JS support

    Append internal CSS styles or JS at any point of document definition. Allows for conditional additions of CSS or JS. …and you don’t have to care about when to insert its definition. Even if you already finished defining the body and you define JS after that - it will be placed in /html/head/.

    You can also easily link style sheet or java script from external file (local or from web).

  • SVG support

    Don’t care about defining SVG structure, just write its main contents. Yawrap will take care about the whole rest. Also typical SVG attributes which are problematic from python keyword-arguments point of view have it’s convenience feature.

  • Linking local files

    You can reference local files by passing its absolute path on python side and it will appear under links relative to the current document. And you don’t have to calculate the paths.

  • Defining page style and scripts on python class level

    Page styles can be defined by deriving Yawrap classes. This makes possibility to get the styles shared / inherited / override in well known pythonic way.

  • Multi-page structure

    Define multiple pages in complex directory structure and don’t care about the paths. Not existing directories will be automatically created, you just define the path of target file.

  • Automatic navigation

    That’s ultra-nice. Probably the cutest yawrap’s feature. Create multiple pages and see how yawrap joins them in navigation panel created for each generated page. Everything happens behind the curtains.

    The only one thing you need to do is to care for the navigation’s CSS style (if you don’t like the default navigation style provided by Yawrap).

  • Bookmarking

    Create intra-page bookmarks with just one command during document definition and see how they are inserted in correct subsection of the page navigation.

Usage Examples

Because a good example is worth more than thousand words.

Indices and tables